Industrial Revolution & its Effects 1750 to 1850

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Age of Revolution

Age of Revolution

The word ‘revolution’ generally means a revolutionary change in any situation of social life. Due to revolution, a new system based on new values exists after revolution.

Revolution is a social battle fought against injustice. The great philosopher Victor Hugo says, “Revolution is the mother of development.” It needs powerful leaders; in the same way it needs people’s co-operation. Revolution takes place either by violence or non- violence. In revolution, violent means are used on large scale. There is a great change in the society after revolution. Revolution takes place at any part of social life, e.g. French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, etc. For example, due to Industrial Revolution, drastic changes occurred in Political, social, economic, religious and cultural sectors of society.

There were three great revolutions took place in the world.

  1. The American war of Independence
  2. French Revolution
  3. Industrial Revolution

In this we will only study about Industrial Revolution.

“Entirely it was a peaceful revolution. Its impacts were lasting longer and deep too. No other revolution has made such a great impact on the world as this industrial Revolution, has ever made”.

– Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

What is Industrial Revolution?

Industrial Revolution was neither a revolt against any existing system of government nor it was a sudden change in the society. It was mainly change in the method of production due to which every sector of life was spirited from their original set up. This revolution was prevailing during 1750 to 1850 AD the hundred year’s span.

During this time, scientist’s role was great. They created new techniques and new machines. New machines took place of old machines and weapons. Steam power and Electric power was brought into force instead of Man-power and Animal-power. Cottage industries were replaced by city industries. Production began to take place on large scale and also at a great speed. Transportation needed to be very quickly.

In the sectors of transportation and public communications- contacts, there was a miraculous progress. There were some political and social effects started prevailing Some social problems came out from it and to overcome such problems, new trends of thoughts came forward. Human life changed from almost all angles.

Rise of Capitalism:

At the end of 15th century, European sailors searched new sea-ways and new era in the trading began to take place. Many traders came forward to trade with the countries of the East through sea-routes. Financially it was impossible to export goods to an individual trader. So many traders came together and started trading. Those who were having original capital, were progressed in their business. Trading with the Eastern countries was very profitable so many companies came in to being in Europe. e.g. The East India Company. European countries were flourished so the European rulers gave military protection and commercial facilities to these companies. Due to such trading, the European countries especially, England became financially powerful. In this way in Europe, the capitalism era started taking place.

The European traders purchased spices, rich, garments, commodities of beautifully designed wooden articles, ivory articles scents, etc. from the Eastern countries. In return, they needed to sell only a few articles to the Eastern countries, the reason is that only a few things were produced in the European countries. The result is that the European businessmen used gold and silver currency for purchasing commodities from the Eastern countries, so the flow of gold and silver started to take place from Europe to the Eastern countries. The European businessmen tried to find many remedies to resist this flow. They started selling articles purchased from the Eastern countries into the other countries of the world except European countries with huge profit margin, sometimes these businessmen sold articles by purchasing from one country to another country and they used to buy essential commodities for them e.g., the British traders purchased garments from India and sold at Indonesia for buying spices and finally used to sell these spices in their native country.

The European traders presented some precious gift articles to the rulers of the Eastern countries to flourish their trade and obtain facilities for them. For example, their tax and tolls were waived off. They increased their profit. The European traders travelled from town to town for purchasing articles and goods with cheap rates and used to sell it with great profit margin.

The European businessmen realized that it was profitable to deal with manufactured products so they developed new production methods and consequently the Machine Age and the Industrial Revolution came into being.

Importance of trade and business was increasing in the 18th century in England and in other European countries and new directions and markets were opened to the European traders from this trade, thus industrial capitalism came forward. Capital Economy is based on the large-scale production and its exchange. In this system there is mutual understanding and co-operation between capital and labors industrialists. Due to which large scale production is possible.

Beginning of Industrial Revolution in England:

England had potentials for the scope to industrial revolution so the revolution first took place in England. English businessmen had already reached far in the Asia Continent. England had defeated France in the Competition of expansion of the empire. There was no danger to the East India company of England in the French competition. The British rule had become the rule in India in political field. The British East India Company’s rule had sent huge finance to their home-land, in the same way from America, the British rule obtained unlimited money and goods. England had squeezed the colonies from all angles. Such squeezed property and money, England had used in the development of industrial world.

Progress in Science and Technology had already started in England. Many inventions were brought into being by very enthusiastic, brave, innovative scientists. New machines were made. e.g. Steam Engine by James watt.

The rich and administrators in England supported such inventions and their inventors. Due to the religious harassment, many Europeans migrated to England. Among them, there were artists, craftsmen, intellectuals. For industrialization in England, the laborers were available on large scale very easily. So, England could achieve industrial progress.

England established colonies in many countries. They received raw material in cheap rates and markets were ready to purchase their produced goods. England was the main navigational country in Europe. Napoleon couldn’t blockade England due to its navigational power and strength. England was benefitted ever when Napoleon boycott on buying finished goods from England.

Due to political, economic stability, able- government, government businesses and favorable policies of the government to develop corporate sectors, etc., Individual freedom to the citizens, they selected sectors of their choices and developed; these things were responsible for favoring industrial Revolution in England.

Nature Favors for industrialization in England, the Nature was favoring in Minerals coal to erect machines and industries were sufficient in England. England was successful in utilizing them scientifically. Textile industry and trade were the chief occupation in England. This industry was boosted right from 16th century onward.

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Expansion of Industrial Revolution:

This revolution started in England, very soon reached in other countries of Europe. i.e. in France and Germany, France and Germany were already renowned in the development of steel, iron and chemical businesses sectors. Industrialization began to develop speedily in Holland, Belgium, Spain, etc. In America, too the Industrial Revolution took place. In Russia, the revolution expanded later. In Asia, Japan developed in the sectors of steel, machines, chemicals, etc. very surprisingly within a short span of time. Today this revolution is prevailing all over the world.

Effects of Industrial Revolution

Industrialization had both Positive as well as Negative effects:

(A) Positive effects:
  1. In minimum span, less expenses, it was possible to produce more goods of quality. Due to the rise in production, people started getting goods and commodities in least prices. People could standardize their life style easily.
  2. Economic conditions of the countries where in industrialization took place, were developed. Mainly England and other European countries became rich and they helped to develop other countries too.
  3. Trade and commerce developed on the international level, it seemed that the world has become only one big market and so things became easily available at any corner of the world. The whole world became one home for all citizen of the world.
  4. In the Industrialized countries, labor movements began to resist injustice and tyrannical acts. Labor organization was established. Industrialists and workers became arrivals. But in order to abolish inequality, seed of socialism were sown. Labor movements, Chartists movements, Women’s right to equality started taking place in the European countries.
  5. Cities developed, Population of educated people increased, they became aware of their rights and so in England and France, democratic concept was powerfully prevailed.
  6. Due to industrial Revolution, new cities were set up. They became the centers of commerce, business and industries. The rural region people rushed to urban sectors as a result population of urban areas increased tremendously.
  7. Common man’s life improved. Arts and cultural sectors of life dominated common man. Short-story and novel became very popular and literature became very rich. Painting and drawings remained respiration of man. In the 20th century, film industry was also developed.
  8. Transportation and communication were developed due to industrial Revolution. People came into contact of each other very speedily. In the agricultural sector, new technology was used so labors could be saved and production of grain rose tremendously.
(B) Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution
  1. Common man was negatively affected due to industrial Revolution. Due to machines, cottage industries were stopped, many craftsmen became jobless. Supply of labors was more than demand and the capitalists took undue benefit of such unemployment problem workers were being squeezed. Women and child labors were paid less. There was no certainty of their permanent job. No compensation to the labors when caught into accidents. They became slaves of the capitalists. They became more and more weak and poorer. Economic disparity increased in the society.
  2. Houses for the labors were very much dirty and negatively compact. Women too needed to rush to the industries for employment. Most of them were extremely tired due to heavy work so they had lost their joy in their life. The idea of joint family was broken due to the rushing to the urban areas for employment.
  3. Worker became the inseparable part of machine in this revolution. He used to do monotonous work in the factory and hence lost joy and delight in his routine performing mechanical work.
  4. Industrially developed European countries adopted the policy of expansion of their business and trade. They started expanding their empire in Asia and Africa continents; so many countries from such continents lost their freedom. These countries were being squeezed by industrially rich countries in Europe.
  5. Imperialists nations expanded their religion mission by threatening the colonists and there itself the seeds of the First world war were sown. Many conflicts and disputes, strikes arose from imperialism.
  6. A number of civil problems arose due to Industrial Revolution. People from rural areas rushed in great numbers towards the urban regions. Due to over-populated towns and cities, problems like scarcity of land, houses, limited water supply etc. raised their heads. Pollution, ill-health, filthiness etc. became major problems in the society.
  7. Nations became dependent on each other e.g. England imported cotton from America wheat from Canada. There was danger- arising situation when there was revolution or War-Trade and business suffered very much and consequently common man was caught in tight corners. In this way the industrial Revolution has mixed effect on the social life of people.

Effects of Industrial Revolution on Environment:

  1. Industrialization rose due to Industrial Revolution. Due to industrialization water-pollution, air-pollution, sound pollution, etc. occurred. People were affected badly regarding their respiratory system due to air-pollution. Due to outcome of poisonous gases from some of the factories, many people had to die, some of them became handicapped.
  2. Unhygienic and dirty water from industries, after mixing with streams, rivers, sea-water, water was polluted and people suffered from Diarrhea, Gastro and Jaundice Paralysis etc. Life of water-animals and plants came into danger. Due to the growth of cities and industries, filthiness spread everywhere.
  3. Problem of garbage became very severe. Due to rising number of mosquitoes, Malaria, flu etc. spread all over and the result was that many people had to quit their lives. Inflammables in the industries caused many explosions and hence the lives of the people on large encircled in dangers and at times deaths resulted. Atomic energy is also used in industrial growth and development. Due to atomic reactors in the industries atomic rays prevail in the environment and they brought ghastly effects on human bodies.
  4. City vehicles and Sound of machinery in the industries created sound-pollution and men became deaf permanently. Natural resources and minerals are used on large scale for industrial development. In future there would be possibility of scarcity of such natural wealth. Forest-trees are cut down on large scale for industrialization. Farming land and water, etc. are used largely so there would be scarcity of food and grain in future. In short due to Industrial Revolution, evil effects on society are noticed.

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