Why do bulls get angry at the red colour?

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A myth has been passed down from generations to generations that, seeing red colour causes bulls to get angry, but the actual reason behind this myth is either this colour is violent to them or this is the only colour they can see. But is the myth really true and is the real concept behind bullfights? The answer is ‘NO’.

In fact, all cattle are ‘colourblind’! They see the world in black, white and grey. So, why do the bulls get angry when a matador (bullfighter) flicks his red cape in front of them? Bullfights are public shows, usually done for sports and entertainment in which a bull is annoyed in a highly stylised manner and then killed. The bulls used for bullfighting are of aggressive breeds. The main event of the bullfight is when the matador tries to direct the bull through his skilful and stylized cape work before the final thrust of the sword called ‘Estoque’.

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Bulls can get angry at any colour. The first phase of the bullfight tests the aggressiveness of the bull’s using magenta, yellow, blue, or gold capes. The vigorous movements of the capes provoke and torment the animals because of which they charge at the cape. It is in the final stages that the red muleta are used. The first reason is the traditional aspect of the sport. Secondly, red is a very powerful and a bold colour that adds to the drama of bullfighting. Thirdly, it hides the blood of the bleeding bull.

Many people do not like bullfights due to its bloodshed, but after all, it is a form of an entertaining sport that has been fixed in the history of mankind since ancient times.

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